A downloadable game for Windows

It's the middle of the Cold War: disguise yourself as a safety inspector at a nuclear power plant under construction and sabotage its systems. Use the hints left by your accomplice to infiltrate without getting caught by the security camera. Will you be able to complete your mission before the timer runs out? Polish your skills and find out in this exciting first-person stealth puzzle game!


 W: Move Forward
A: Move Left
S: Move Back
D: Move Right
Mouse Movement: Camera Movement
Left mouse click: Interact/Open hint
ESC: Pause/Close Hint
TAB: Open notebook
Q: Turn notebook pages left
E: Turn notebook pages right

Membri del team
Game Design: Francesco Busnelli, Christian Bestazza, Pietro D’Ammora, Fabrizio Schito
Game Programming: Mattia Gavina, Valentino Volpato, Nicolò Lombino
Concept Art: Matilde Cuppari, Davide Cogliati
Game Art 3D: Matteo Pellegatta, Edoardo Aguzzi, Amos Illi Grignani


02_Twister_03_Nuclenoir.zip 162 MB

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