A downloadable game for Windows

Ritual is a project developed by our students during the 2020/21 academic year for The Big One project in collaboration with Lunar Great Wall Studios.


Ritual is a third person multiplayer survival game, where your sanity is at stake and the only hope not to get lost in an endless nightmare is the dim light of a lantern. Orient yourself in its dark and twisted environment, watch out for the tricks that your mind may play on you, and try to flee the cursed swamp before losing your mind!


- Explore and Orient: venture further from the base camp every time and take advantage of the climb and crouch mechanics to explore, collect resources and avoid enemies. Remember to eventually fall back with the help of the compass before it's too late. Reorganise, recover and set back out.

- Watch your Sanity: the game features many unique audiovisual feedbacks the lower the character's sanity gets. Remember: not everything is always what it seems as friends may seem foes, your vision might worsen, some voices may echo in your head, and more.

- Plan and Manage: study new areas and plan your approach to get through them; manage resources within a limited inventory space; consume and equip items, at a cost, to increase your chances at getting through the journey; control your lantern, in order to obtain the best results in terms of fuel consumption, sanity soothing and discoverability.

- Perform Rituals: craft items by executing rituals, thanks to the Book of Knowledge located in the Base Camp, which always favours insanity: the lesser the sanity, the bigger the reward will be.

- Survive with your Friends: up to 4 concurrent players online. Share resources, attract enemies to assist your weaker fellows and use lanterns to help each other orient and finally escape together... if you're bold enough.

Controls (mouse+keyboard only):

  • WASD → Move
  • SHIFT → Run
  • SPACEBAR → Climb
  • LCTRL → Crouch
  • E → Interact
  • F → Lantern On/Off


Game Designer

Andrea Marchetti (Project Manager)
Thomas Del Prete (Lead)
Lorenzo Viscomi
Luca Ghisio
Lorenzo Danese

Game Programmer

Andrea Mastroianni (Lead)
Andre Francavilla
Gabriele Ventrice

Concept Artist

Jay Magara (Lead)
Andrea Stendardi

Game Artist 3D

Cristian Mazzei (Lead)
Marco Di Gristina
Gianfranco De Virgilio

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
AuthorDigital Bros Game Academy
GenreSurvival, Adventure
TagsAtmospheric, dbga, Horror


DBGA_Ritual_aa20-21.zip 267 MB


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Hi, I've been trying to get this to work with friends, and we don't seem to be able to connect together, is there anything extra we need to set up to make it work online?
thanks <3

(1 edit)

Hi, the game was created for Lan co-op, so to play online you had to open the 7777 port on your router (only the host), then press the 'Play' button in the main menu, once in the game have to share your public IPv4 with your friends.

Thank you Luca :)